Turner Design 8000-000-A Oil in Water Analyzers



Turner Designs Hydrocarbon Instruments offers an expansive portfolio of oil-in-water monitoring instruments and accessories, such as continuous online monitoring for industrial wastewater, ship’s bilge water, cooling water, and oilfield wastewater, as well as grab sample analyzers and accessories for industrial wastewater, ship bilge water cooling water and oilfield wastewater monitoring applications as well as handheld and portable grab sample analyzers and accessories for oil in water monitoring purposes. Our instruments have worldwide usage, including drinking water protection applications, industrial lubricants/heat transfer fluid protection applications, manufacturing process water refinery wastewater gas turbine blowdown, and oilfield muds.

The TD-4100XDC continuous monitor is designed to detect and measure crude or refined fuels, fuel oils, lubricating and hydraulic fluids, as well as aromatic solvents found in water at levels from low ppb (ug/L) up to high ppm.

The instrument can be calibrated easily to match laboratory or field oil in water measurement methods with simple touchpad inputs while remaining extremely sensitive to BTEX, gasoline, diesel fuel jet fuel, as well as crude oil and aromatic solvents with accuracy levels consistent with laboratory standards.

Maintenance is simple, with no internal tubes, pumps, or valves to replace. The single moving part has an expected lifetime of more than ten years, with routine upkeep consisting of changing out its lamp every other year and keeping sample lines clear.

TD-4100XDC stands out from other grab sample instruments by being powered by AC power and not requiring hazardous chemicals for operation. Furthermore, its superior measurement stability over time and ability to simultaneously measure multiple components make it ideal for dangerous areas.

The TD-500D utilizes the same sensor as its counterpart TD-4100XDC but adds an optical channel specifically for BTEX, light fuels, gas condensates, and heavy crude oils for improved detection range over traditional grab sample oil in water monitors – making this instrument suitable for industrial and offshore use.

CheckPOINT Solid Standard

CheckPOINT is an instant solid standard designed for use in online oil-in-water monitors to quickly calibrate or assess their performance without the need for liquid measures. Insert its probe into your inspection port or sample compartment for quick and effortless instrument calibration.

TD-4100C and TD-4100 XDC monitors provide continuous online oil, fuel, crude or refined fuel, and most heat transfer fluid measurements with detection limits ranging from low ppb to high ppm, ideal for industrial, petrochemical, and offshore applications.

The TD-4100C and TD-4100XDC, water monitoring devices, continuously track flowing water streams while collecting samples in an external cylinder, making them suitable for monitoring continuous online bilge, cooler, and turbine water applications. Calibration and maintenance can easily be accomplished using their built-in touchscreen interface or PC. In case of alarms, audible and visual alarms as well as display notifications will notify users as well as provide more details of fault status such as location of meter sample point, etc.