Step by Step Learning Center


Step by Step Learning Center offers a multi-theory curriculum to promote developmental growth and social-emotional skills development while fostering academic success for children of all ages.

Be clear on expectations for centers and post them in your classroom. Make it known that center time is a privilege requiring everyone involved’s cooperation and responsibility.


Sweet Steps Learning Centre utilizes a curriculum tailored specifically to the developmental needs of young children. Our curriculum also supports child-centered teaching strategies based on Erickson, Piaget, and Vygotsky’s theories and an experiential approach that enhances each child’s social, emotional, physical, and language development.

Implementing learning centers in your classroom requires proper planning and organization of materials. Furthermore, students should clearly understand the expectations and rules about working in centers – this helps them know that being allowed to do independent work requires earning it through responsible behavior. Finally, ensure there is somewhere for completed center work to be turned in after every rotation.

How you organize learning spaces will ultimately depend on the activities you wish to include in your centers, but you can ensure students can move through without long waits for their turn. Some schools create permanent learning spaces in nooks and corners, while others set up learning centers on rugs or library tables.