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How Christians Can Respond to a Time of Healing
Many people go through what is considered a healing crisis when they begin to unearth, dig, and shed physical, emotional, and spiritual detritus from their inner and outward selves. During this recovery phase, you may feel total disarray or…
Finding the Right Teeth Whitening Kit for Your Home
It is widely believed that teeth whitening gained popularity after being discussed on the popular TV show Seinfeld in the 1990s. After all, television is where new trends are born.
Whitening your teeth spreads like a virus. The industry…
How to Recognize the Signs of an Anxiety Disorder and Learn to Manage Them
We all suffer from anxiety, if that's any consolation.
Some feel shame. Others feel humiliated. Others worry that they are becoming increasingly unable to deal with everyday challenges. Anxiety sufferers' emotions might distance them…
Guidelines for Good Health: How to Get Healthy and Stay Healthy
Replacing dead or damaged cells with healthy new ones is an ongoing process in all living things, including humans. When a living thing is injured, such as by a cut, a burn, or any other type of trauma, it has the astonishing…