How Can Digestive Enzymes Assist in Weight Loss? is a popular question among nutritionists.



Enzymes are the building blocks of life. Since the molecules in the food we eat are so vast and complicated, they must be broken down into smaller pieces before they can be absorbed. Enzymes that aid digestion are crucial at this stage. Enzymes in the digestive tract primarily break down three macronutrients: protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Protein is broken down by proteases, starch by amylases, and fat by lipases. These enzymes organize macromolecules like proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, starches, and sugars into functional organisms.

Simply put, the digestive process begins as soon as food enters the mouth, and separate enzymes are produced to break down carbohydrates, fat, and protein in the stomach and pancreas, respectively. One more SECRET to LOSING WEIGHT, according to Nutritionists: chew your food thoroughly. Take 20 bites.

If the body cannot produce enough enzymes to digest the food we eat correctly, we will experience gas and other digestive issues. Constipation (prevalent; the ideal should be 2-3x daily) may be caused by a lack of these digestive enzymes. Constipation, gas, and intestinal irritation (such as mucus or blood in the feces) are medically diagnosed outside of this range. Enzymes that aid digestion are crucial to a sound digestive system. Candidiasis, allergies, and irritable bowel syndrome are some of the gut infections that can develop if this issue persists for a long time.


But if our systems are meant to break down food and produce enough enzymes, then two issues arise. To begin, why aren’t human bodies making enough enzymes? Second, I don’t understand why this would cause weight gain.

Why, then, isn’t eating naturally satisfying our hunger? Several factors contribute to this:

Natural enzyme-rich raw foods are rarely consumed in the Western diet. Unfortunately, cooking destroys the enzymes usually present in foods at temperatures above 118 degrees Fahrenheit; therefore, almost all cooked foods lack enzymes.

* Thanks to modern farming techniques, we no longer need to plan our grocery shopping around the seasons. Imported foods, especially fruits, often lack natural enzymes because of transportation delays. This prevents spoilage and financial loss for the exporter while the goods arrive at their final destination. One advice is to shop at nearby farmers’ markets for seasonal produce.

* Nutrient loss from modern farming practices. The quality of the foods we eat and the substances we put into our bodies are negatively impacted by the widespread use of toxic chemicals like chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides. They also alter the genetic code of foods, preventing them from producing essential nutrients and enzymes. For “porous” fruit like blueberries and strawberries, spending the extra money and buying organic is necessary.

* Many nutrients are lost during food processing and refining. “White” bread and other flour-based items have become staples in many people’s diets. Even though you’ll hear people say that grains are “healthy,” you should know that making bread used to take a lot of time, but now it’s mass-produced in huge factories using highly refined flours, chemicals, and shortcuts, all of which strip the bread of its nutritional value. Also, avoid “Enriched” bread at all costs. The nutrients were removed during processing and “added back” afterward. Why buy food with its “natural” nutrients removed and replaced with chemically-created ones? (The logic behind this production method is far beyond the scope of this article.) Stock up on rye, oats, barley, brown rice, millet, cracked wheat, and whole grains. Fiber and other vital minerals like selenium, potassium, and magnesium are better absorbed from entire grains. So, whole grains should always take precedence over refined grains. (Fiber is also essential in reducing body fat, but you must ensure you receive the proper kind. Choosing the correct type of fiber makes a difference. Those with trouble passing stool should be extremely careful when selecting.

More digestive enzymes are needed because of the high protein content of our meals. Supply and demand play a role. Even if we get our bodies to crank out more protein enzymes, doing so will S-L-O-W down over time, requiring us to take corrective action. Gaining weight is a common repercussion.

* A deficiency of lipase enzymes can make fat-rich meals challenging to digest, and many people follow such diets.

Too much sugar in our diet necessitates increased enzymes that break down starches and sugars. In addition, “hidden” sugars, such as sucrose, fructose, sorbitol, glucose, etc., should be checked for on the label.

*STRESS is the leading cause of insufficient digestive enzyme production in the body. Under pressure, our digestive systems are unable to function correctly. The body uses this “survival” mechanism on autopilot. This means that digestion won’t occur until we’ve had a chance to unwind. The digestive process can be interrupted for hours at a time. This is worrisome since our bodies rely on those nutrients to keep us alive and help us fight illness and deal with the demands of daily life. Not to mention that overeating while under pressure can cause spoilage. Your unemptied garbage trash can is the mental image you should conjure up. (Its implications for illness and health are outside the scope of this piece.)

It’s also important to remember that as we age, our metabolism slows, and our stomachs produce less acid. Reduced production of stomach acid leads to poor digestion, which has several negative consequences, including increased body fat. Stomach acid (Hyaluronic Acid or HCL) declines due to other elements in our dietary choices.

It should come as no surprise that many people supplement enzymes to lose weight, as there are numerous other processes by which enzymes help manage body weight that is outside this article’s scope.

There is a fantastic company that I adore and always promote to my customers. I have no bonuses, incentives, or endorsements to promote this business. Located in Toronto, Ontario, “Flora Essentials” digestive enzymes by are a top pick of mine. I have experimented with over a dozen brands, varying prices and formulations. Within the first week of using them, I was able to drop 5 pounds and transition to a “regular” eating schedule. From that point on, I was able to lose weight effortlessly. They helped me feel less bloated and gave me better control of my appetite after my body started adequately absorbing all the nutrients it needed. Others also achieved remarkable success. A knowledgeable chiropractor and naturopathic physician create them. The website has significantly more details.

The best part is that you can acquire them from your Practitioner’s office (I got mine from a chiropractor) or order them online and have them delivered to your door within a week if you live nearby.

This is the information and link:

You now know that digestive enzymes can aid in weight loss.

Assunta Antonietta Carpanzano,

Holistic Nutritionist Credentialed


More details on “A Nutritionist’s Secret to Weight Loss: 7 Weeks to a Healthy Lifestyle Program” may be found at:

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